Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What I Really Think

In a recent conversation while lambasting faith, television, spectator sports, gender assignment, flu shots, the patriarchy, decaffeinated coffee, and other such nonsensical and/or useless conventions and inventions,  my audience of one interrupted my soliloquy with the seemingly comedic interjected question; "So, what do you really think?" True enough, I am, and have been abrupt on many an occasion in my reactions to piety and other institutions of mindlessness – but in defense of my social skills, I most often only rail against that which has been shoved in my face, or otherwise been made unavoidable.

To me, whether it is Heaven or Hell, no mantra, dogma, or their associated ‘ism’ is too sacred for derision. Yes, I will even make sport of militant ignorance to amuse myself and other rational thinkers within earshot. Trivializing issues of grave concern is the American way of covering up or otherwise euphemizing that which we don’t want to see is it not?  And if it can’t be trivialized then you can probably get a prescription for it.

Yeah, I know - just tell us what you really think. . .

Well I think that a really good cheesecake is better with Champagne than chocolate.  And I think that Champagne is best when shared with a lover, though I dare say, it can be pretty damned good self-served a la singular. I think the earth is an imperfect spheroid in orbit around a dying star.  I think Jack must have been a dull boy to begin with for even considering cutting out play time for work. I believe Oswald was a pawn of a much larger conspiracy. I am finally convinced that there is at least a good chance that I may die some day, which consequently makes all of this seem so unimportant, and yet dramatically important at the same time, and that bodes well with my belief that all that really matters is what is happening right now.  Consequently it is my personal charge to make the best of it.  I celebrate the present, because in a very real sense, it is all that we have.

“Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around sometime, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

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