Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fascism American Style

American fascism is a long standing tradition that began with the arrival of Columbus and the establishment of Jamestown by the English.  In post-conquest America (after slavery and extermination of the aboriginals) fascism flourished in economic crisis.  The conservative movement today is directly derived from the Lincoln administration that defined the post-civil war oligarchic state - a vision embraced by every aspect of the modern American Republican party, from the support of the religious right, to their obsessive, mindless nationalism. This modern oligarchic movement is also blatantly racist, sexist, exclusionary, and determined to keep its hold on the American public through control of the media, and backed by its sustained implementation of military and para-military (police) force.

Some have told me that comparing the Republican party to Fascism is an extremist and alarmist point of view, but is it?  According to Wikipedia:
"Fascism is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology [that] seeks rejuvenation of the nation based on commitment to an organic national community where its individuals are united together as one people in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood through a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through discipline, indoctrination, physical education, and eugenics."
Sounds like modern conservatism to me.  The modern conservative (Republican) movement promotes social change through "moral revolution", and the glorification of nationalism, just as Fascism does. Fascism and Republican conservatism  reject internationalism, pacifism, liberalism.  Republican conservative values are rooted in the concepts of social class order in which 98 percent of the population are in servitude to the ruling 2 percent. Fascism and Republican conservatism are anti-feminist as evidenced by policies on birth control and abortion (just to mention two).

There may not have been a committed institutional partnership between conservative elites and the Bush administration but most observations would testify otherwise. Advent of an American version of totalitarianism as demonstrated by Nazi Germany and other fascist regimes blossomed in the wake of the World Trade Center disaster of September 11, 2001, and there seems to be no limiting the ever expanding police state.

The conservative faction supports and promotes terrorist action by law enforcement agencies against American citizens in peaceful protest.  From here, does it escalate to murder and targeting certain groups for elimination?  Or are we already there.  From the alternative minority (GLBTQ) point of view we certainly are.

Republicans target immigrants, gays, women, and liberals for persecution. Republicans do not want the public to recognize the need to replace the corrupt media, and a government system that gets away with stealing away rights under the banner of national security and moral values.

Anyway, I digress, and ramble on.  In the absence of returning to common sense and social sanity, at the very least, now that Osama bin Laden is dead, can we please have a little dignity returned to the mass transit experience -- do away with Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, and whatever other fascist implement that was enacted after 9/11?

Answer: Probably not in my lifetime.


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