Thursday, February 7, 2013


The abundance and proliferation of "ego" nay-sayers has always surprised and caused me to shake my head in disbelief. First: it should be clear that I reject the commonly accepted misunderstanding of ‘ego’ that is ubiquitous in our society – that promoting one’s ego is somehow pathological, or the contention "having an ego" represents some kind of spiritual malady. I have never understood, and completely reject this little piece of stupidity, obviously not founded on any system of reason or rational thinking.  Second: there is no source within us, which is without ego since the self is the ego.  Borrowing from Merriam-Webster's definition:
Ego -- 1: the self, especially as contrasted with another self or the world
So basically your ego is who you are. And personally, I am not interested in depreciating who I am.
Do the anti-egoist support their absurd contention because the ego by nature is NOT self-sacrificing or self-immolating (which for some insane reason are considered virtuous behaviors in our society)? People denounce ego and wonder about the amoral condition of society at large – what a pity. What else could there be in a society that promotes self-loathing – and make no mistake about it, denouncing the ego is an unequivocal promotion of self-loathing by simple virtue of the meaning of the word ego.

The natural condition of ego is not self-sacrificing, self-immolating or any other such form of self-depreciation. The ego by nature is self-promoting, not self-depreciating. The natural inclination of ego is toward self-esteem and pride, not shame. The ego and its natural extension – pride is about believing in yourself and your abilities. Feeling pride in your abilities and accomplishments is the recognition of your own self-worth.  Pride and ego are all about recognizing self-worth through the realization that you are capable of producing value and consequently capable of sustaining your own life. How can this be considered bad in any way? The amoral faction who consider pride to be a sin are the proponents of fear, hate, and discrimination that plague society.

Rewire America.


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