Saturday, July 12, 2014

Civil Disobedience

A system of laws established by the democratic process (the majority rules) by its very definition permits and and indeed, even promotes the persecution of minorities. In 1848 Henry David Thoreau wrote a treatise on government entitled "Civil Disobedience" in which he asserts that governments are typically more harmful than helpful. This may be more accurate now than then. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, but rather for justice.

The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right... Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. ~ Thoreau

For justice to exist in a democratic system, the system cannot possess the power to enact laws derived from moral principles that affect personal freedoms, or preclude minority groups from the same rights enjoyed by the voting majority. Such discriminatory systems are intrinsically subject to rightful, civil disobedience.