This blog post is just another rant demanding the end of government repression of personal freedoms that directly affect our chosen lifestyle, in particular, same-sex marriage and multiple-partner marriage (polygamy), rights denied for reasons of lifestyle choices (LBGT), and any other form of legislated discrimination.
It has been my observation that opposition to personal freedoms of the aforementioned nature can be directly related to a kind of moral confusion that is typically rooted in some form of theism – but probably not exclusively. Confused because they have allowed their respective dogma to supplant real moral virtues such as love, honor, truth, and so on, with their imaginary virtues of chastity, reverence, servitude, self-sacrifice and other concepts unnatural to human behavior – concepts that are absent any actual moral value. I refer to this faction of our society as the Morally Confused.
It is clear that the Morally Confused are not confined to any one political party affiliation. And as a matter of fact, neither official national platform of either of the two major political parties (R), (D) make any reference (support or otherwise) to polygamous or same-sex marriage.
And notably, elected officials of both Republican and Democrat parties statistically do NOT propose legislation that would legalize such modifications to the marital status. So where does that leave us on Election Day? Affiliation with the political party known for its liberal support of “personal freedoms” is not good enough. It is important to know the individual candidate's position.